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AI-Generated Code with Real-Time Preview: Three Approaches


AI-powered code generation is transforming the way developers prototype and preview their work in real-time. This article explores three distinct approaches to AI-generated code preview: (1) embedding directly in an HTML file with srcdoc in an iframe, (2) using React/Vue with Blob-based previews, and (3) leveraging WebContainer for multi-component projects. Each method offers varying levels of complexity, speed, and flexibility, catering to different development needs. We compare their implementations, advantages, and best-use cases to help developers select the most suitable approach for their workflow.

AI-Generated Code with Real-Time Preview: Three Approaches 👇

1. HTML + srcdoc + iframe

Implementation Steps:

  1. AI generates a standalone HTML file that can be directly opened in a browser (bundling HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a single file).
  2. The HTML source code is passed to an iframe using the srcdoc attribute for real-time preview.
  3. Dependencies are specified using an importmap to reference CDN-hosted packages.


  • Simple implementation.
  • High preview efficiency.
  • Ideal for quick one-file previews.

2. React/Vue + Blob + iframe

Implementation Steps:

  1. AI generates a React or Vue component (Single File Component) without local import dependencies.
  2. The component is transpiled using Babel.transform (for React) or compiled with VueCompiler (for Vue).
  3. The transformed/compiled component is wrapped in a minimal HTML file.
  4. A Blob URL is created for the HTML file and assigned to iframe.src for preview:
const blob = new Blob([html], { type: 'text/html' });
iframe.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);


  • More suitable for React/Vue Single File Component (SFC) previews.
  • Enables component-based development.

3. WebContainer-Based Preview

Implementation Steps:

  1. AI generates multiple component files, allowing them to import each other.
  2. A minimal Vite project skeleton is constructed, bundling the AI-generated components.
  3. The WebContainer environment is initialized and mounts the file tree.
  4. WebContainer executes terminal commands to install project dependencies.
  5. WebContainer starts a preview server and provides a preview URL.
  6. The generated preview URL is assigned to an external iframe.src for rendering.

Create your first Webcontainer app


  • Supports multiple component previews.
  • Greater flexibility for complex projects.
  • Enables real-time project execution.


  • Dependent on WebContainer.
  • Slower preview due to file mounting and dependency installation.

🔍 Summary

Approach Best Use Case
HTML + srcdoc + iframe Fastest preview for simple, standalone pages (e.g., using Pagen to generate a landing page in one command).
React/Vue + Blob + iframe Suitable for frontend component development, such as using CopyWeb to generate a single React component and preview it online.
WebContainer-Based Preview Ideal for generating complete projects (e.g., using bolt/v0 to create a Next.js project with one command, enabling online preview and exporting a ZIP for local modifications).

Each approach serves a different purpose, balancing speed, complexity, and flexibility. Choose the one that fits your needs best! 🚀

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